NFST Weather Policy
Practice will NOT be cancelled due to rain.
Practice will be cancelled for thunder or lightning. If thunder is heard, all swimmers must exit the pool and wait a mandatory 30 minutes. If a second round of thunder is heard, the clock restarts.
The coaches will do their best to send an email or text if practice is canceled.
No Sharks in the Baby Pool
The NFC “baby” pool is open during practices to little siblings with the understanding that parents must monitor their own children. There is no lifeguard. NO Shark team swimmers allowed in the small pool during practices. This pool is always closed during swim meets. Thank you for your help maintaining this team rule.
Private Swim Lessons
Private lessons are available from our assistant coaches for a small fee.
If your swimmer is unable to make regular practice times during the summer, consider organizing with friends and booking a coach for small group lessons.
Two lanes are available for lap swimming during NFC pool hours.