Signup NOW for Saturday's Meet! Deadline 8pm TONIGHT!

    Hey NF Shark Parents and Swimmers!

    For the benefit of our new families, we're holding this Practice Meet on Saturday and moving up the sign-up deadline to tonight, Thursday, 8:00PM. We'd like our families to understand the process and how much behind-the-scenes work goes into getting these meets going. So, if you haven't signed up yet, please do so by tonight! 

    ALL SWIMMERS MUST BE SIGNED UP TO SWIM! This goes for now and forever into the future!! Don't expect to swim, if you haven't signed up by the deadline! You will be turned away! Do this NOW!! 

    Some KEY points for ALL parents:

    1. Swimmers should come already dressed in their swimsuits—there will be NO time to change, and we simply do not have the space in the restrooms! 

    2. Bring extra towels, water, footwear, an NF cap, goggles, and some healthy snacks—NO junk until after the swimmer has finished ALL of their events! (Junk = high-sugar chews, candy, potato chips, pizza, and sodas—save it for after the meet!).

    3. This is a time trial - not the Olympics nor Little League baseball, so please encourage your swimmer(s) to do their best, but let's not be aggressive! We are all here to have FUN, not cry, scream, or pout about times or places. No ribbons will be given out at this meet!

    We have many jobs still open, and we need your help running this meet as smoothly and quickly as possible. Please note that only the 6&U swimmers will have relays—that is, so that their Wranglers can get up to speed on how swim meets run, especially when we have so many moving parts, like 6&U swimmers!

    I've included the NF Shark Tent mom handout for parents to look over and assist in getting their swimmers ready to go!  Any prep before arrival will be well appreciated, especially with names on caps and arms - use a Sharpie BEFORE applying sunscreen!

    If you have any last-minute questions, please email us so we can help you better understand.

    Go Sharks!

    Coach Elaine ;)

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